Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The Unmatched Potential of Scribblenauts

Just picked up Scribblenauts, and it's adorable. It's also a great game. It's a great game because it really allows you to play. Not the WoW / Sacred 2 whack-a-mole "play" type, or the Call of Duty / TF2 shooting gallery "play", or even the Company of Heroes / Sins of a Solar Empire crank-out-units "play". No, I'm talking about like when you were a kid throwing things down the stairs to see what would happen play. Like when you would pit armies of Lego bricks against stuffed animals play. Running arou nd outside hide-and-seek play. Scribblenauts allows you to go nuts, to just try new things, to be creative and play a game like a child, with few objectives and a story only you create. It's just a heck of a lot of fun. Sometimes we take our gaming way too seriously. I'm glad to see a game like Scribblenauts on the unserious spectrum.