Saturday, February 23, 2008

Darkrime Delves

Who wants some of this?Did a little run in Darkrime Delves yesterday evening, just a warmup for some Frostmaw's later on. We had pretty good luck with the mobs (one wipe because I was filming rather than paying attention to the game), but have had terrible luck with game stability and network performance. I had no less than three crashes (one RIGHT after axing the boss -- pun intended), and Mike lost connection several times due to pings in the 30 to 60 thousand range. Thank goodness for the Guild Wars resume session feature; we would have been out of luck. But we persevered and cleaned up, no small part in thanks to Greg's ridiculous Necromancer build, relying on Arcane Echoes with Spoil Victor and Pain Inverter, along with buffs and energy management.

(The Necromancer in question, ready to party.)

Mike's drops, again, were terrible. I mean, just epic. On the way walking into the place, I got a green drop, pretty decent scythe. I also got a yellow inside. He got lucky and got a silver dye for the entire time. I don't know what it is, but the loot tables in this game just despise him. At least with dungeons you know you're going to get something. And in the dungeons pretty decent Dwarven faction. When we used to run Sorrow's Furnace, he had a hell of a time. Poor guy. Yes, you are.

But we did well with the mobs. Aside from the Necro, my own Pain Inverter was working out well, as you can see from several places in the video below.