First of all, the extremely disappointing fact that there will be no LAN play available from C&C4. I'm sure this is all done in the name of convenience and security for the player, but the real purpose is content control. It's both DRM and map limiting to prevent players from running their own games. I'm sure they'll be selling maps for C&C just like those Infinity Ward criminals. However, I am a fan of the series, and if the game is decent, I may still invest in it. No one else I know really plays it, so the multiplayer isn't that big of a concern for me.
More interesting, however, are the evolution of the game-play options within Tiberium Twilight, specifically the decreased important of gathering materials with which to build your armies. Combined with a mobile base and ninety-some playable units, and we should have a rocking good time. The game is out in three weeks on March 16. Crushing DRM is certainly a reason not to buy, but I'll reserve judgement until its release.