Thursday, July 9, 2009

Demigod Gaiden Sigma 2: The Laggening

Demigod is still fun, mostly to play with friends online and bash CPU players. The new updates make the comp stomps more fun, and really rack up the kills. The last game I went 8-1 (kills-deaths) as Regulus in a 12 minute match. Not bad.

However, the strange game lag is really weirding me out. It can't just be me, unless I'm bringing the entire game down. Every thirty seconds or so the network just cuts out, halting the game. Everyone in the game experiences it, but it's really jarring. You're about to snipe some poor character running away, and the game just freezes for a couple seconds.

Maybe we're asking too much from their network code? At least we get and stay connected these days.