Tuesday, October 14, 2008

StarCraft II... Trilogy?

In what could possibly be the largest waste of design and marketing ever, Blizzard is planning to release StarCraft II as a trilogy. I'm not sure if Blizzard pays attention to how people play their games. They go, "Eh, this thing has a single-player mode?" and then jump on BattleNet or a LAN game for multiplayer.

Blizzard, just stop. I don't know why you haven't learned your lesson from the blight that is World of Warcraft, but people pretty much just play your games for the multiplayer. All your pathetic attempts to build lore, characters, and unique worlds fall apart when the 14-year-olds get ahold of your game and crap all over it by playing online, pwning newbs or something. How many times do you have to read server logs that start "ROFLOMGWTFBBQ dude i jst got teh uber leet boot drop lololol11!!11onehundredeleven."

Hey, look, they don't care about your epic storylines. Please just release whatever of the Lich King with a credit card slot in it so the kids can get their mom to swipe and buy whatever they want. Then, take that money and jam the StarCraft II games in the same box, so the people who do care can enjoy them together.