Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Scribblenauts: Scribble Nots?

I suppose I should write something about Scribblenauts. The darling of gaming blog Kotaku, declared Best in Show at E3 2009 by IGN and many other gaming outlets, and all-around good guy, Scribblenauts is billed as a puzzle game with action elements. It also seems to be somewhat of a sandbox game, as the main game mechanic centers around being able to scribble in one of thousands of nouns (family-friendly nouns thank-you-very-much) in order to gird your character, the Naut in question here, otherwise known as Maxwell, with tools and allies to work through the two hundred levels in the game.

All of which begs the question: Could this be the most hilarious game ever? Already we have God vs. The Kraken. What could be next? David vs. Goliath? Peanut vs. Jelly? Who knows the storm that will unleash when Dogs vs. Cats battle?!!? I can't wait.

Scribblenauts releases on September 15, 2009. View the actual, for-real trailer here.