Monday, June 29, 2009

Boardgames in the Basement

Paintball, it must be said, was a blast, even though I have more than my share of bruises from shots and soreness from the running around.

Afterwards, the party was fun but a little subdued, at least as far as our parties go. There was still plenty of shouting over one another as we played a couple rowdy boardgames. Cory was good enough to bring his copy of Settlers of Catan over to the post-paintball party this weekend, so we had to play. The ladies (and Alex) tried their hand at Redneck Life while the guys played Settlers.

I'd never played Settlers, but of course having heard of it I'd really wanted to try it out. It definitely didn't disappoint. We had a big five-player game, and it was really fun. Cory showed us the ropes and having had some experience with the game he won, but it wasn't a blowout by any means. Both Greg and I were pretty close on his heels, and everyone who played got pretty far along. Except Mike, he got pretty screwed on resources.

Anyway, I've really got the bug now. I know there's an electronic version on XBLA, but not be a 360 owner I can't really get in with that. I'd get a paper copy, but it's hard enough to get people together for D&D let alone other activities. Guess the rarer sessions will just have to be all the more fun!