Sunday, May 11, 2008

Greg's Bachelor Party Gaming Fun

We played a crazy gaming session yesterday. It was the day of Greg's bachelor party, and we spent much of the day at Splatterpark doing paintball. It was an experience, and a lot of fun. My first paintball shot ever tagged Greg right in the shoulder. He maintains it was the hardest hit of all day, and I believe it. He's quick and hard to hit when you aren't lining up Civil War style.

We played several game types, including Capture the Flag, Downed Pilot, and more. Mike's moment of glory came on the Alamo where after patiently sneaking down one side made a dash to the flag and captured victory for his team. I had several great shots, including the killing blow to the pilot's (Kyle) lens on Downed Pilot and another lens shot to Victor's face in our final Ironman bash. Had a great time and we definitely plan to go back.

Afterwards we indulged in pizza and beer and played some Mario Kart and Super Smash Brothers Brawl. Both games are just made for big groups in mind, and it was a lot of fun to play with everyone, even on my stupid small TV. I guess to me it's a lot more important to have a group of friends to play with on a tiny TV than play all alone on a huge TV. Pretty easy choice there.

But it was a great day of gaming, got to meet lots of new people, and it was a proper celebration of Greg's last few days of bachelorhood. Let's hope the gaming experiences don't change too much when he's a married man!