Tuesday, January 19, 2010

A Brief Intro to Spirit Tracks

I was gifted with The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks for Christmas, but didn't play at all until I finished Assassin's Creed 2. Now that I'm into the new Link adventure, I am just loving it. It has a lot of charm, and I welcome the companion in the form of spirit Zelda. Her witty and insightful comments bring a lot of life to the game.

The game itself has a huge amount of charm, from the environments and towns to little touches like the train and Link's hilarious facial expressions. It's the perfect game to play in and laugh along with.

I've only gotten into the first couple dungeons, but the two boss fights so far have been a delight. I didn't have to think too hard to figure out how to defeat them, but the second was a perfect challenge, requiring you to draw paths and evade your enemy, leaving me with a half sliver of heart at the end. The game so far has been perfectly paced. I'm looking forward to returning to it!